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Englander E-News: Budget, Parolees, Enterprise Zones, and More ...

Working on a budget.

E-News for the Week
May 3, 2013


2013/2014 L.A. City Budget Hearings Begin...

On April 30, the City Council Budget and Finance Committee began its hearings on the City's 2013/2014 Budget. Every year, the Mayor proposes the budget, which is the annual overarching spending plan for the City. The Budget and Finance Committee examines every dollar and every item in the proposed budget and develops recommendations for the City Council to vote on. To see the Mayor’s proposed Budget, schedule of hearings, and other budget related information, click here. The power to approve, reject and amend the budget is one of the City Council's largest and most important functions, and has an impact on everything that the City does. The City Charter deadline for the City Council to adopt a budget is June 1. As Vice Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, I am deeply committed to ensuring the fiscal health and sustainability of the City. As your Councilmember, my top budget priority remains preserving the core City services that our communities demand and deserve: public safety, City infrastructure, streets and sidewalks, parks and recreation, sanitation, and planning. 

- Mitchell Englander, Councilmember, Twelfth District

Stopping Parolees from Removing Ankle Bracelet Monitoring Devices...

This week, the City Council adopted the resolution I authored in March to support California State Senate Bill 57 which would increase the penalties for parolees who remove their ankle-mounted devices to a felony offense.

The vast majority of individuals ordered to wear an ankle-mounted monitoring bracelet are on parole after being convicted of a sex offense. These devices are essential tools for law enforcement to monitor parolees, in order to maintain public safety and to ensure that individuals on parole do not offend again. An increasing number of parolees required to wear monitoring ankle bracelets have removed the devices, making it difficult for law enforcement and parole officers to track them. This poses a significant public safety threat. 

Click here to see the resolution.

- Mitchell Englander, Councilmember, Twelfth District 

Protecting the Enterprise Zones...

This week, the City Council adopted a resolution which I authored in February stating the City of Los Angeles' opposition to reductions changes, or eliminations of the State Enterprise Zone Program.

Since 1984 the California Enterprise Zone program has provided businesses hiring credits, sales and use credits, and other valuable incentives to stimulate business growth, attract and retain businesses, and help businesses create jobs. I advocated strongly for the two recent expansions of the Enterprise Zones in Los Angeles, which included parts of Chatsworth and Northridge, in order to help our local businesses grow the economy.

Large numbers of businesses in the Enterprise Zone areas have received hiring credits, sales and use tax credits, expense and interest deductions, DWP rate discounts, and other benefits. Those benefits have resulted in significant business cost relief, promoting job growth and economic improvement.

Governor Brown proposed scaling back the Enterprise Zone Program and reducing the benefits that they offer. That could be devastating to thousands of Los Angeles businesses, increasing their cost of doing business, impacting their future growth plans, and potentially resulting in job losses. During these difficult tough economic times, we should be doing all we can to promote the growth of business.

Click here to read the Resolution.

- Mitchell Englander, Councilmember, Twelfth District 


A Weekend of Community Action...

There was a lot of great community action last weekend. My office held our annual Spring Cleanup in Chatsworth Park North, the Chatsworth Historical Society was busy at Homestead Acre hosting the Annual Garden Festival, The Northridge Sparkle Campaign had a street cleanup on Reseda Boulevard from Gresham Street the Norhoff Street, and the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council partnered with the Helping Hands Project of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to cleanup along Canoga and Rinaldi. 

The cleanup at Chatsworth Park North was a part of my Year of Healthy Living campaign. Thank you to all the volunteers who showed up to paint over graffiti and cleanup our local park. 

All of these cleanups demonstrate how much we all care about this community. I am very proud of how our community continues to come together to make our neighborhoods the best they can be. 

- Mitchell Englander, Councilmember, Twelfth District

Child and Family Guidance Center's 50th Anniversary Gala...

Last week, I was honored to be recognized by the Child and Family Guidance Center at their 50th Anniversary Gala. I was inspired listening to the other honorees and speakers. 

Since 1963, the Child Guidance and Resource Center has helped to empower their clients to overcome challenges, and flourish within the community. Fifty years ago it began with only three people and now helps 10,000 children and families every year. I am humbled and privileged to be honored by this amazing organization, and I look forward to continue working with them in the future.  

- Mitchell Englander, Councilmember, Twelfth District

Healthy Kids Day at the North Valley YMCA...

I was proud to attend the North Valley YMCA’s Annual Healthy Kids Day on Saturday. More than 1,900 YMCA’s across the country take part in Healthy Kids Day, holding free community events that are open to all kids and families. These events are fantastic educational opportunities for kids. I would like to thank State Farm Insurance for their generous donation to the North Valley YMCA so that programs like Healthy Kids Day can continue. The YMCA is a vital part of our community that gives us all an opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive. 

- Mitchell Englander, Councilmember, Twelfth District

Save the Date for the Valley Family Festival!
Get ready for three days of family-friendly fun in the park at the Valley Family Festival coming up Friday, May 31 to Sunday, June 2 at Northridge Park.

The AMAZING lineup includes carnival rides, games, live music, and dance acts, a health fair, community booths and great food! There will also be bouncers, arts and crafts activities for the kids!

More information in Upcoming Events!


Sign Up Now for One-On-One Help With Representatives of City Departments at Our Community Service Center.. .
We are now taking reservations for community members to meet one-on-one with representatives of City Departments at our Community Service Center in Chatsworth.

We have regularly scheduled time slots for community members to meet with the Planning, Police, Transportation (LADOT), Housing, Community Development and Neighborhood Empowerment Departments and the Bureau of Sanitation. This will offer community members a chance to get information and assistance in Chatsworth without having to travel all the way to Downtown.

The following Departments are currently taking appointments:

Department of Building and Safety - Tuesday, May 7
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Department of Transportation - Wednesday, May 8
9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Los Angeles Police Department - Tuesday, May 14
8:30 am to 12:00 pm

We will announce in our newsletter the service hours of the remaining Departments once they have been established.

Our Community Service Center is located at 9207 Oakdale Ave., Second Floor, in Chatsworth.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (818) 882-1212 or email Kathy Lettieri at Kathy.Lettieri@lacity.org. 

LA Tree Adoption…

The Reseda Neighborhood Council and Million Trees LA are providing 100 shade trees for adoption, along with free mulch, and flats of flowers from the Department of Sanitation.

Saturday, May 4
19040 Vanowen St.

To adopt a tree you must live or own property within the City of Los Angeles. Verification of residency is required (ID/Driver’s License or copy of DWP utility bill).  There is a one tree limit per address.

Click here to watch a short video in honor of Reseda Tree Adoption Day. 
For more information contact Brandon Balderas atbbalderas@resedacouncil.org

Free Diabetes Expo...

The Los Angeles Expo is FREE and includes health screenings, cooking demonstrations, product and service exhibitors and leading experts talking about diabetes management and prevention for seniors, youth and all ethnic populations. Free health screening will also be offered including: blood pressure, dental, cholesterol, sight, and hearing screenings.

Saturday, May 4
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Los Angeles Convention Center
South Hall HJ
1201 S. Figueroa St.
Los Angeles

For more information, call 1-888-DIABETES ext. 7503 or visitwww.diabetes.org/laexpo.

Home Depot Cinco De Mayo Celebration…

Home Depot in Van Nuys is hosting a Cinco De Mayo celebration featuring a kids’ clinic, games, a free tree giveaway, and many more surprises! The Los Angeles Fire Department will be in attendance as will various vendors. Don’t miss this fun Cinco De Mayo event!

Saturday, May 4
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
16800 Roscoe Blvd.
Van Nuys

Help Collect Citrus in the Community for Citrus Sunday...
Please be a part of the 8th Annual Citrus Sunday and help ensure that this volunteer-driven charitable fruit drive is once again a huge success!

Citrus Sunday is a volunteer effort to pick tens of thousands of pounds of fresh citrus fruit to benefit struggling San Fernando Valley families served at local food banks operated by Valley Interfaith Council. As you know, our District has thousands of citrus trees, but much of the fruit rots on the ground and goes to waste every year. You can help bring it to families who need it! 

Sunday, May 5 
9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Simply pick grapefruits, oranges or other citrus fruits from your trees, and drop them off at any designated location. If you don’t have a citrus tree, share this information with someone who does.

There will be various drop-off locations throughout the San Fernando Valley, including:

Chatsworth NC Fire Station 96
21800 Marilla St.

Granada Hills South NC
Granada Hills Charter High School
10533 Zelzah Ave.
Granada Hills

Granada Hills North NC
Knollwood Country Club
12024 Balboa Blvd.
Granada Hills

Northridge South NC
Dearborn Park
17141 Nordhoff St.

Northridge West NC
North West corner of
Tampa Ave. and Chatsworth Street

North Hills West NC
Fire Station 87
10124 Balboa Blvd.
North Hills

Porter Ranch NC
Temple Ahavat Shalom
18200 Rinaldi Pl.
Porter Ranch
* Drop off time will be from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Reseda NC CD3 Field Office
19040 Vanowen St.

West Hills NC Field's Market
23221 Saticoy St.
West Hills

For questions or more information, contact Semee Park at (818) 882-1212 or email

Operation Gratitude Needs Volunteers…

Operation Gratitude is seeking volunteers for their “Prep Day” on May 5. Operation Gratitude sends care packages to the U.S. Military. “Prep Day” will take place outdoors in the armory parking lot, and all work will be physical. Volunteers are needed to break down pallets of donations and sort products. Please bring sunscreen, consider wearing a hat, and drink lots of fluids.

Sunday, May 5
Operation Gratitude / California Army National Guard
17330 Victory Blvd
Van Nuys

For more information please visit www.operationgratitude.com or call the info line at 1-800-651-8031.

Sunday Brunch and Fashion Show…

New Directions for Youth meets Macy’s at Topanga on the runway for a Sunday Brunch and Fashion Show. All ticket sales benefit New Directions for Youth’s programs and services for at-risk kids.

Sunday, May 5
9:00 am to 11:00 am
Enter Macy’s through the Vanowen Blvd. Entrance.

For more information contact Monica Austin Jackson at (818) 503-6330 or email maustin@mail.ndfy.org.Visit New Directions for Youth online at www.ndfy.org.

Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Tees Off…

The 2013 Granada Hills Golf Tournament is on May 6 at Porter Valley Country Club. In addition to the tournament, there will also be a raffle, silent auction, and dinner.

Monday, May 6
9:00 am - Registration and Putting Contest
11:00 am - Tournament Begins
5:00 pm - Dinner and Raffle
6:00 pm - Silent Auction

Porter Valley Country Club
19216 Singing Hills Dr.

Click here to download the registration form. For more information please email email@granadachamber.com or call (818) 368-3235.

Meet the Candidates for Mayor in Porter Ranch...

The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council invites you to meet mayoral candidates, Eric Garcetti and Wendy Greuel in Porter Ranch at Shepherd of the Hill Church. You are also invited to ask questions of the candidates. Bring your questions for Eric Garcetti on Tuesday, May 7, 6:00 pm in room 202 and Wendy Greuel on Wednesday, May 8, 8:00 pm in room 130.

Tuesday, May 7 - Eric Garcetti 
6:00 pm

Wednesday, May 8 - Wendy Greuel
8:00 pm 

Shepherd of the Hill Church
19700 Rinaldi St
Porter Ranch

For more information visit prnc.org.

PARTI is Seeking Students for the Valley Family Festival... 

The Positive Alternative Recreation Teambuilding Impact Program (PARTI) is seeking representatives from middle schools and high schools in the San Fernando Valley to volunteer, model or perform at the Valley Family Festival on Saturday June 1. Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, May 8. There will be an informational meeting held at Cal State University Northridge Student Union for sign up and details.

Thursday, May 9
6:00 pm
Meeting at Cal State University Northridge Student Union 

The PARTI Program fashion show allows anyone the opportunity to model regardless of height, weight, orientation, or ethnicity. Fashion show participants learn organizational and communication skills which assist them to improve their leadership skills.

For more information, please call 818-527-0187.

Letter Carriers’ Food Drive...

The 2013 Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is on Saturday, May 11. Put your non-perishable donations in a bag by your mailbox and your mail carrier will deliver it to a local food bank. Stamp Out Hunger is an easy and efficient way to help the needy in your community.

Saturday, May 11
Leave non-perishable donations in a bag by your mailbox

For more information visitwww.nalc.org/commun/foodrive.

First Annual Fitness and Wellness Day…

The Granada Hills Wellness center invites you to their 1st Annual Fitness and Wellness Day on May 11. This public event will offer health screenings, chiropractic exams, nutritional guides, body fat analyses’, and much more.

Saturday, May 11
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
17729 Chatsworth St.
Granada Hills

For more information contact the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce at (818) 368-3235 or by email atemail@granadachamber.com.

Census Data for Grant Writers Workshop…

This free interactive workshop is offered to anyone interested in learning the basics of using census data in grant proposal writing. Workshop participants will learn where to locate census demographics to help build an effective case for project funding. 

Tuesday, May 14
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
CD12 Community Service Center
9207 Oakdale Ave.

Workshop topics include: navigating the census website, census concepts and geography, understanding census data products, and presenting data in a grant proposal.

For more information or to RSVP contact: Semee Park by calling
(818) 882-1212 or email

S.O.L.I.D Pancake Breakfast and Open House...

Join the Supporters of Law Enforcement In Devonshire (S.O.L.I.D.) for their 20th Annual All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast and Open House. Tickets for the Pancake Breakfast will be available at the event. In addition to the great food there will be lots of other activities, including; free face painting, LAPD displays, a classic car show, free child I.D. courtesy of Hollywood-West Valley Masonic Lodge, and more!

Saturday, May 18
Pancake Breakfast: 8:00 am to 11:00 am
Pancake Breakfast ticket $8.00 per person (kids under 3 eat free)

Open House: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
LAPD Devonshire Division
10250 Etiwanda Ave.

For more information call (818) 718-9498 or visitwww.soliddevonshire.org.

Two Day Used Book Sale at Granada Hills Library…

The Friends of the Granada Hills Library will host a two day used book sale on Friday, May 17. The sale will take place indoors in the library's community room.

A great assortment of books will be available!  Prices will range from 25 cents to one dollar. All proceeds will benefit the library.

Friday, May 17 
10:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Saturday, May 18
10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Granada Hills Library
10640 Petit Ave.
Granada Hills

For more information please call 818-368-5687.

Family Fun Day…

El Oro Way Charter for Enriched Studies is hosting Family Fun Day on May 18. The event is a fundraiser for the El Oro Way Elementary PTA. There will be lots of great attractions including music, games, prizes, food, and auctions.

Saturday, May 18
11:00 am - 4:00 pm

El Oro Way Charter for Enriched Studies
12230 El Oro Way
Granada Hills

For more information email davediamond@yahoo.com.

Free Used Tire Recycling…

The City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation is hosting a series of collection events to properly dispose of used tires. Each person who brings tires will receive a coupon for 15% off your next purchase of Firestone or Bridgestone tires.

Saturday, May 18
9:00 am - 2:30 pm

West Valley District Yard
8840 Vanalden Ave.

Limit nine tires per person.

For more information please call (213) 485-3568.

Northridge Village Arts Show...

Northridge Village Arts Show is coming up in May. The theme of the art show is Old Northridge Historical Interpretations. The event is a fundraiser to benefit the Northridge Village Beautification Project. Food at the art show will be provided by Lum-Ka-Naad Thai Restaurant and entertainment from guitarist Guy Guilbert.

Saturday, May 18
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
$15 Donation
JR Gallery
8906 Reseda Blvd.

For more information contact Andrea Alvarado atandrea@textinthecity.org or call (818) 903-8194.

The Grand Souk Festival…

The Museum of the San Fernando Valley and the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs present A Grand Souk Festival: A Cultural Bazaar Celebrating The Big Read Program of the National Endowment for the Arts.

A Grand Souk - is a joyous Bazaar of arts and culture to be held in the San Fernando Valley as culmination celebration of the Big Read Program of the National Endowment of the Arts and the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs. The Grand Souk festival is sponsored by The Museum of the San Fernando Valley, with participants from many aspects of cultural life in Southern California. The event is free to the public.

Sunday, May 19
11:30 am to 5:00 pm
On the grounds of Historic Rancho Cordillera del Norte
9015 Wilbur Ave

The Grand Souk bazaar is an informal multi-cultural festival of art, music, crafts and theatre. It is an event reflective of the writing of the Noble prize winning writer Naguib Mahfouz, author of The Thief and the Dogs, a novel that takes place near the bazaars of Cairo, Egypt. Our celebration is a rich tapestry of experiences, like the rich cultural crossroads of a Middle Eastern marketplace.

For more information contact the Museum of the San Fernando Valley at (818) 347-9665 or visit them online at www.themuseumsfv.org.

St. John Eudes’ Summer Carnival…

St. John Eudes Church’s Summer Carnival is coming up! The three day event runs from May 24 to 26. In addition to the carnival rides and games, there will be food, music, and entertainment reflecting the marvelous ethnic and cultural diversity of our community. And whether you like to ride the rides or just sit and relax under our big tent and enjoy the show – there’ll be fun and excitement for everyone!

Friday, May 24
4:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Saturday, May 25
12:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Sunday, May 26
12:00 pm to 10:00 pm

9901 Mason Avenue

For more information please visit www.sjecarnival.org.

40th Annual Valley Greek Festival…

St. Nicholas Church and its 500 volunteers invite you to enjoy a cultural experience for the entire family with live music, dancing, gourmet food, homemade pastries, cooking demonstrations, children's activities, a Greek market, and a variety of shopping boutiques. Boasting a three-day average of 50,000 guests, the admission-free fundraiser is the largest festival of its kind in the area. So make the most of your Memorial Day weekend and immerse yourself in the cultural vision that is the 40th Annual Valley Greek Festival. Admission is free.

May 25, 26, 27
1:00 pm to 9:00 pm
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
9501 Balboa Blvd.

For more information email info@valleygreekfestival.com or visitwww.valleygreekfestival.com.

The Valley Family Festival!

Get ready for three days of family-friendly fun in the park at the Valley Family Festival coming up Friday, May 31 to Sunday, June 2 at Northridge Park.

The AMAZING lineup includes carnival rides, games, live music, dance, a health fair, community booths and great food! There will also be bouncers, arts and crafts activities for the kids! The Jeff Patterson Jazz Band, the Fab Girls, Into the Mixx, Sylmar Folklorico, and many more will be performing live. 

What better way to kick off the summer than this awesome outdoor celebration of the San Fernando Valley? Please "like" the Facebook event page, share it on your Facebook page and invite your friends to attend!

Friday, May 31
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Saturday, June 1
12:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Sunday, June 2
12:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Northridge Park
18300 Lemarsh St.

We are proud to host this event in partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Northridge and the L.A. Department of Recreation and Parks.

If you are interested in hosting a community booth or a booth for the event please see the sponsorship information:

Click here for Community 2013 Booth Application.
Click here for 2013 Booth and Sponsorship Application.

For additional sponsorship information please contact Megan Cottier atmegan.cottier@lacity.org or (818)882-1212.


Reports From Our Staff:
Our Communications Director, Stephanie Saporito would like to remind you that the month of May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Throughout May, the National Safety Council will encourage motorists to share the road with motorcyclists and be extra alert when they are nearby.

Fatalities involving motorists and motorcyclists increased 131 percent between 1998 and 2008. The mileage death rate for motorcyclists in 2007 was 37 times greater than for passenger car occupants. All motorists are reminded to safely "share the road" with motorcycles and to be extra alert to help keep motorcyclists safe. Motorcyclists are reminded to make themselves visible to other motorists.

NSC offers these tips for motorists and motorcyclists:


  • Allow greater following distance behind a motorcycle.
  • Be extra cautious in intersections. Most crashes occur when a motorist fails to see a motorcyclist and turns left in front of a motorcycle.
  • Give a motorcycle the full lane width – never try to share a lane.


  • Avoid riding in poor weather conditions.
  • Position motorcycle in lane where you will be out of a motorist’s blind spot.
  • Use turn signals for every turn or lane change.

For more information visit the Motorcycle Safety Foundation at:http://online2.msf-usa.org/msf/Default.aspx or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at: www.nhtsa.gov/Safety/Motorcycles.

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